The St. Tammany Retired School Employees Association (STRSEA) will meet on Thursday, May 10, at 11 a.m. for its annual Installation of Officers meeting, the final meeting of the school year. Rodney Watson, Director of Louisiana Retired Teachers Association (LRTA), will be the guest speaker, bringing the group up-to-date on state legislation and retirement issues of importance, as well as swearing in the new officers.
The meeting will feature a Pot Luck luncheon, with a social time beginning at 10:30 a.m. for members to greet each other and catch up with the news over the past few months. Members are welcome to bring appetizer, salad, casserole or dessert.
The winner of this year's Student Scholarship award will be named and presented with a check. Persons to be sworn into office for the coming year include Donna Harvin - President; Eric Sacks - President Elect; 1st VP- Lyn Monteleone; 2nd VP - Cheryl Beaver; Secretary - Roxanne Lagarde and Treasurer - Ron Caruso
A silent auction will be a new feature to the luncheon. Members are asked to donate an item for the silent auction which proceeds will support the Student Scholarship Fund.
The event will take place at the David C. Treen Instructional Technology Center, 629 Lafitte St, Mandeville.
Roxanne Lagarde, association president, said, "“Part of our STRSEA mission is to bring our membership relevant programing and information that may contribute to and enhance their lives in retirement. We hope that many of our members can join us for our scholarship presentation and installation of new officers.”
The STRSEA meets regularly throughout the year to provide opportunities for retirees from the school system to hear about the important issues impacting local and state retirees and to enjoy fun and fellowship with new and former colleagues. Meetings are generally on the second Thursday of September, November, December, March and May, including an annual Christmas party and spring luncheon.
For a once-only fee of $45, the STRSEA offers a life-time membership that entitles members to vote on association matters, furnishes an identification card that allows St. Tammany members free admission to all home games at school system athletic events and provides a St. Tammany Advantage Rewards (STAR) card for discounts at participating local businesses and restaurants.
For more information about this organization, call President Roxanne Lagarde at 985-966-6166. If present members have a new email address, please send the update to Retirees may join the STRSEA at any regularly scheduled meeting or may send a check for $45 payable to STRSEA in care of STRSEA at Post Office Box 2992; Covington, Louisiana 70434