Officers And Board

Officers for the 2022-23 School Year
President -   Mike Winkler
1st Vice President (Membership) - Lyn Monteleone
2nd Vice President (Programs)  - Leslie Cook
Secretary - Jeanne Schmidt
Treasurer - Ron Caruso
Chaplain - Bill Brady

Committee Members:
Educational Grant - Pam Braud-Montreuil
Social - Tassie Wahl, Donna Lusignan and Lisa Dial
Legislative - Eileen Lacour
By-Laws / Constitution - Pam Braud-Montreuil
Insurance - Christy Paulsell
Publicity/Directory/Yearbook - Arlene Sealy

Message From The President
     Retirement often ushers in a much slower pace of life while also creating a much quicker passage of time. It seems that all too soon another school season is once again upon us.
     We would like to welcome all of the newly retired members to our organization. Not only will you find your former co-workers among our numbers, but you will also find among them retirees who are dedicated to following issues that affect us all during our retirement years.
    These advocates work tirelessly following legislative actions and issues in order to provide us with information so that we are all better able to inform our state representatives about our desires. Thanks in part to their efforts we were able to receive the cost of living adjustment recently. Your membership guarantees that our collective voices will continue to have an impact on legislative action.
     We want to make every effort to maintain effective communication with you, so if you have an email address but are not receiving emails from us, please notify me via email at Also, we hope you will visit our Web site frequently to follow our activities and get timely information.​ 
     Finally, please use the list of our officers and board members along with the dates for our meetings found in our Web site for future reference.
     We hope you will plan to get involved, attend the meetings, and bring some retired School Board friends.
     Thanks for your help and support.
