The group's general Spring meeting was held in the David C. Treen Instructional Technology Center in Mandeville. Ms. Wasesche became a Certified Financial Planner this year after attending the LSU CFP Program in 2011 and interning at Charles Schwab Advisor Services in Florida. She then worked with a wealth management firm in Houston, TX, and moved back to Louisiana last August to work locally with Resource Management LLC.
The STRSEA meets regularly throughout the year to provide opportunities for retirees from the school system to hear about the important issues impacting local and state retirees and to enjoy fun and fellowship with new and former colleagues. Meetings are generally on the second Thursday of September, November, December, March and May, including an annual Christmas party and spring luncheon.
For a once-only fee of $45, the STRSEA offers a life-time membership that entitles members to vote on association matters, furnishes an identification card that allows St. Tammany members free admission to all home games at school system athletic events and provides a St. Tammany Advantage Rewards (STAR) card for discounts at participating local businesses and restaurants.
For more information about this organization, call President Roxanne Lagarde at 985-966-6166. If present members have a new email address, please send the update to Retirees may join the STRSEA at any regularly scheduled meeting or may send a check for $45 payable to STRSEA in care of STRSEA at Post Office Box 2992; Covington, Louisiana 70434
The financial planning information provided by the speakers included comments about the current economic cycle, the ongoing economic expansion, and historical risks for investors. "The 38-year decline in interest rates is over; interest rates are on the rise as the Federal Reserve Board addresses a growing economy, historically high and growing federal deficits, and the potential for inflation," they noted.
Overall, they felt that simplicity is a factor in making investment decisions. "Keep your investment portfolio basic and understandable," Randy Waesche explained. He went on to say how the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) was working, and spoke briefly about annuities and mutual funds.