Thursday, September 12, 2019

Photos from the Sept. 12 Meeting

More than 90 persons attended the Sept. 12, 2019, meeting of the St. Tammany Retired School Employees at the Treen Instructional Technology Center in Mandeville. Here are some photographs of the event. Click on the images to make them larger. 

Bill Brady gave the beginning invocation

President Eric Sacks welcomed the attendees to the first meeting of the new school year.

A special early breakfast entertained those who retired in the past few months to introduce them to the aims and goals of the local organization as well as the state retired teachers association. 

Dozens of members enjoyed catching up with each other from over the summer break.

Jack Loup shares legislative concerns in protecting teacher pension funding.

There were plenty of door prizes and cash wins.

The first-ever "book swap" gave members a chance to trade books and magazines.